Saturday 11 February 2017

Rip It & Run! Character Images 2...

Awhile ago I posted a bunch of images here as inspiration for characters or NPCs. These were culled from the second-hand knitting patterns which we sell at the shop where I work and proved that you can get character inspiration from just about anywhere. Anyway, I was tidying-up the patterns the other day and discovered a bunch more had been added to the stock.

I quickly sorted through them and grabbed all the ones that seemed appropriate - these are the ones that date from the '30s through to the end of the '40s (there are many patterns there for designs from the '80s, but I'm not into that kind of horror...). Sadly, there was only one pattern for women's wear, so I ended up with a stack of mainly blokes, but never mind.

Here's a likely lad. You can picture him driving back a throng of ghouls, right?

And a tennis racquet's just the thing when you're dealing with the Brood of Eihort!

And this guy? Goodie? Baddie? It could go either way...

(And those quick to notice will realise that this is the same fellow in the picture at the top of this post, so that's extra bang for your buck!)

Sadly, this guy won't see the end of the adventure. These stolid, trusting types never seem to last long...

"You're not going to try and infiltrate the cult in that knitted vest, are you?"

Finally, a couple of dependable lasses who probably know how to mix a handy Molotov Cocktail...

I've said it before, inspiration for Call of Cthulhu characters - both player and non-player - can come from all kinds of places...

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